
Sunday, 31 July 2011

Santai bersama keluarga di kampung..~

Saat-saat bersama keluarga tersayang adalah saat yang paling best.

Macam-macam aktiviti lah. Makan bersama,masak bersama, berbual-bual dan bergurau senda. kalau dapat kumpul 1 family memang happening lah.

sempena nak menyambut bulan puasa ni i & my acu pun balik la kampung kami kat temerloh pahang.

Bila dah berkumpul ni macam-macam cerita lah keluar.

Bagi yang dah tak ada ibu dan ayah tu sama-sama lah kita sedekah al-fatihah kepada mereka. kalau baca yassin dan tahlil lagi bagus. Semoga mereka aman disana.

Disaat kita bergembira pasti ada orang yang tengah bersedih.

p/s Hargailah setiap detik bersama keluarga yang tersayang

paling best dapat makan durian & santan durian.
santan durian ni bukan yang makan dengan pulut tu k.
yang tu manis tapi ni masin makan dengan nasi, kira cam sayur la..
memang favourite ni kalau musim durian..~

gambar santan durian, dah makan separuh baru ingat nak snap gambar..haha..~~

complete set santan durian, ikan kering + nasi..

ramai yang tak tahu santan durian yang makan dengan nasi, tapi ni my fav sejak kecik lagi..~

-my adik jad tak balik kali ni. nanti kita jumpa k..=)

Saturday, 30 July 2011

asap rokok..terima kasih bebanyak bagi 70% asap kat kami..~

Tahukah anda, perokok hanya menyedut 30% daripada asap rokoknya & men'sedekahkan' 70% lagi asap pada orang lain. (secondhand smoker) Terima kasih perokok-perokok.

saya memang allergik sesangat dengan asap rokok ni..
memang tak leh tahan
sebab tu tak suka mereka yang merokok ni..

so, guys if you are smoking please3x dont smoke in your house..if you love your family. 

& bersempena Bulan Ramdhan hari isnin nanti & korang2 tak boleh hisap rokok siang hari kan so apa kata alang2 dah berhenti merokok siang berhenti terus lah.. =)

& kalau korang perempuan & hisap rokok tolonglah berhenti k..
jangan buat camni kat anak-anak korang

-berhenti merokok sempena ramadhan..~

Friday, 29 July 2011

loghat pahang..temerloh.. mode:balik kampung..~~

mode: gembira sebab nak balik kampung temerloh kejap lagi..

jadi buat entri pasal loghat temerloh (for non-temerloh speaker)..haha..~

jalan-jalan kat blog terjumpa ayat ni:

kena LUTU dengan selipar
LUTU= Baling

ayat2 lain..~

penat kome nunggu aok

AOK= awak

nok gi jumpe RODONG

RODONG= kawan

penat KOI CEBET JABAI ni..

KOI= Saya
CEBET= bawak
JABAI =beg

PEDO'OH gat la aok ni..
pedooh= tipu

sekian..kelas bahasa kali ini.. ^_^

p/s jom cari gulai tempoyak ikan patin & ikan talapia kat temerloh..sedapnyer..=)

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Finally Baby baru kat rumah kami..

Yeay.. ‘baby ‘ baru dah ada kat rumah ni. Umur dia baru je 5hari sebab sabtu  pukul5.30 dapat dia. ‘Baby’ baru yang memang kami semua kat rumah ni nanti-natikan sejak bermingu-minggu. Benarlah penantian itu memang satu penyeksaan. Ada la dalam 6minggu baru dapat ‘baby’ ni. Jap2 anak sape lak ni..hehe sebenarnya baby yang dimaksudkan adalah “kereta myvi premium baru” huhu..
No plat pun best WVP 433 (tak book pun no ni)..

ni gambar2 nya..

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Countdown bulan Ramadhan al-Mubarak

Ok entri kali ni nak cakap pasal countdown bulan Ramadhan. Hari ni dah 24 sya’aban bermakna tinggal 5hari je lagi tibanya bulan Ramadhan. Moga ramadhan kali ini lebih baik untuk kita. Ramadhan bulan yang penuh dengan keberkatan, bulan penyucian diri dan bulan untuk kita memperbanyakkan lagi amal ibadah. Ditambah dengan solat sunat tarawikh, amalan bertadarus dan bersedekah.

Dah bersediakah kita menghadapi bulan ini. Jika belum masih belum terlambat untuk bersedia. Apa persediaannya ya.. erm.. apa menu untuk berbuka ye? Sahur pula nak makan apa. Eh2 bukan pasal makanan la. Tapi pasal amal ibadah pada bulan puasa ini. Elok-elok dah bangun sahur tu apa kata awalkan sikit 15minit ke, sempat la untuk solat sunat tahajud dan solat hajat. Lepas bersahur dan solat subuh apa kata kita bertadarus dengan ahli keluarga atau sendirian. Kalau boleh khatamkan al-Quran pada bulan ramadhan ni. Masa rehat waktu tengahari boleh diisi dengan bertadarus.

Isikan masa kita dengan aktiviti yang bermanfaat seperti membaca ma’thurat, berzikir, selawat, membaca buku ilmiah dll dan tinggalkan perkara-perkara yang sia-sia seperti bergosip, melayari internet berjam-jam, main games dll.  Memang susah untuk menukarnya tapi kita cuba sedikit demi sedikit niat kerana Allah, moga dipermudahkan segala urusan biiznillah. Sebab saya pun suka main games ni (mula2 kena kurangkan aktiviti ni, lepas tu cuba tinggalkan). Sesungguhnya jihad yang paling besar adalah jihad melawan hawa nafsu.

-Selamat menyambut bulan Ramadhan al-mubarak semua..~

Antara realiti dan fantasi..~

Realiti- sesuatu yang benar2 terjadi  
apa yang terjadi dalam hidup kita setiap hari

Fantasi pula sesuatu yang kita angan2kan/impikan dan selalunya amat mustahil untuk diperoleh
contoh tiba-tiba boleh jadi billionaire sekelip mata
tiba-tiba kawen dengan anak raja

Realiti dan fantasi amatlah berbeza. kita impikan@angankan begini tapi Allah jadikan begitu.. adalah hikmahnya.. Allah Maha mengetahui apa yang terbaik untuk setiap hambanya..

berangan memang tak dinafikan selalu kita buat setiap hari..betul kan.. sebab saya pun buat gak kadang-kadang.  Kadang kala sesuatu tu memang tak masuk akal tapi kita nak jugak..

Bersabarlah duhai hati andai diuji hari ini kalau kamu tak nampak hikmahnya hari ni kelak kamu akan tahu juga hikmahnya..

jangan panjang angan-angan ye kekawan..

daydreaming sikit2 boleh lah.. banyak2 tak elok..

Monday, 25 July 2011

Camping 3hari 2malam.. Tampin Negeri Sembilan..~

22-24/7 2011

Ada program kat Sukabumi Resort bersama dengan POCPS (Persatuan Orang cacat pendengaran Selangor).
Yang join semua yang dah kerja. range umur dari 20an hingga 50.

Waktu mula2 agak sukar untuk berkomunikasi. walaupun ada jurubahasa isyarat(JBI), tapi lama2 kitaorang semua pun belaja la sikit2 sign language.

macam2 aktiviti, paling best masuk hutan n survivor cooking.. n masa creative night ada majlis perkahwinan..(berlakon je la) best2..meriah sgt..~

antara gambar2 yang ada:

gambar masa masuk hutan..~~

banyak ibrah yang dapat kita perolehi dari mereka ni, walaupun mereka tak dapat mendengar n bercakap tetapi mereka tetap punyai kelebihan masing2. mereka sangat mudah menerima arahan, cepat belajar dan sentiasa bersemangat sepanjang program ini. kami pun bersemangat jugak lah..=)

bersyukur kerana dilahirkan sempurna..=)

p/s walaupun penat tetap seronok. kami tak tidur khemah pun tidur dalam dewan. peserta je tidur dalam khemah..~

Thursday, 21 July 2011


Ok guys I found this at twitter..~

Jep Sepah is Mine..!!

And someone respond to it:
-Get a life beb. It's just a stupid celebrity crush. You and I will get over him when a new celebrity come.. But if you think that's not gonna happen then fine, he's yours..

That juz an example. I know outside, there are a lot of people that face the same situation. Me too..ahakss..

Another celebrities like Korean artist, Saheizy Sam, Anwar Hadi, Matluthfi, Heliza, Fida (Syurga Cinta)..& the list is up to you..~~

Firstly, what is celebrity crush? It’s means  Someone famous one finds immensely desirable/attractive/handsome & one fall "in love" with them.

How to cope with celebrity crush?

Best answer:(from internet)

Everyone has a celebrity crush, and it's actually quite fun to watch someone on TV and be "in love" with them
I have a celebrity crush and know alot about them, it's fine, when you meet someone and fall in love it will go away

some pictures:
song joong ki

Dr Lo' Lo' (1957-2011) A shining pearl who showed the way

Dr Lo' Lo' (1957-2011) A shining pearl who showed the way

Article from the sun wed july 20, 2011
by Zakiah Koya

I read this article in the lrt and want to share it.

-Titiwangsa MP Dr Lo' Lo' Mohd Ghazali died on sunday aftera battle with lung cancer.
Lo' Lo' in arabic means pearl and a pearl she was indeed for those who knew her from both sides of the political divide.

-She was not publicity seeker, typically PAS in her exterior and demeanour. When she was first diagnosed as having cancer, I had requested an interview to potray her as a politician who is soldiering on but she the refused. Her close friends told me that she did not want to make her illness public. 

-Lo' Lo' first made headlines when she becames the first PAS woman to win a parlimentary seat in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, the Titiwangsa constituency, a surprise to the BN as it was unlikely urban voters would vote for a PAS candidate.

-Born and raised in Perak, Lo' Lo' comes from a religious family in Ipoh. Her father was the mufti of Perak. She had s religious education at Klang Islamic College and did her medical studies at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

-A soft spoken woman witha stern in demeanour, she was always seen at the forefront of the PAS women's wing.
She was much sought after by the media when dealing with opposition issues especially those on women. Many of the media people preferred to speak to her rather than Dewan Muslimat heads on PAS women issues as she was easily reachable. For those of us who worked for the English media, it was easier as she spoke English well.

-She like most PAS women, at most time preferred to stand behind the lines of the leadershipbut she was one of those who knew when to step to the front to get her views heard.

-Just before she died, she was insistent on the development in Kampung Baru, which was under her contituency.

"I remember her coming into the mainstream politics and being a practising doctor, this boosted PAS's image as there where not many professional Muslim women then in PAS, "  said Dr Hatta Ramli, a fellow PAS leader.

Hatta also said: She was very consistent as she would remind the leaders to always go for their medical check-ups.
she also said: "as a leaders, we must always be in the best of health", said Hatta a medical doctor himself.

-She was also very active in the Kohilal Medical Centre in Taman Melawati Gombak. She is well known among the Muslim mothers-hundreds of whom gave birth there- who prefferd female doctors to attend them.

-She went away fighting. Her son said, even on the her deathbed, she was thinking of her constituents.

Another Doctor from PAS Dr MariaMahmood said:" She was a woman who challenged the traditional role of women in the party. "She had questioned the traditions such as women leaders not taking to the stage with the men and the PAS male bastion had to give in".

"She also initiated the no smoking campaign to the extent that all the PAS centres were declared no- smoking zones and the leaders who smoked had no choice but to either quit or smoke in the toilet. "

Lo' Lo' leaves behind husband Dr Aminuddin Adbul Hamid Karim, four children and a grandchild. 

She will be fondly remembered and deeply missed.


Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Majlis menyambut bulan Ramadhan al-Mubarak

Jumaat lepas kat apartment kami diadakan majlis Menyambut Ramadhan ye la tinggal 2minggu sahaja lagi kita akan berpuasa kan. Majlis diadakan selepas Isyak, dimulaikan dengan tahlil dan selepas itu aktiviti makan2.

Gambar-gambar sepanjang majlis:
Apa yang menarik walaupun duduk di tengah2 kotaraya Kuala Lumpur ini kat Ampang tapi semangat bergotong –royong masih diamalkan di sini. Makanan di masak secara rewang. Suka sangat sebab dah lama tak pergi kenduri macam ni. Ye la kan sekarang ni pakai catering dari kenduri kahwin sehinggalah kenduri cukur jambul semua guna catering.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Cocoa Collagen Eksperimentasi

Pertambahan aktiviti harian kitaorang sekarang ialah meminum Cocoa Collagen Power Plus. Beli on9 je...

Antara khasiat dia seperti mampu mengembalikan keremajaan wanita..:p, koko pracampuran dari serbuk koko bermutu tinggi dan diperkaya dengan Marine Collagen untuk kecantikan dalaman serta Ekstrak Lobata dan juga Kacip Fatimah. Ni mmg dah well known laa kan, mmg bagus untuk wanita.

Lepas ni kitaorang nak tengok hasilnya...harap-harap semakin jelita laa hendaknya...tambahan nak dekat raya ni..ish..teruja.

kitaorg sebelum minum collagen...nanti kita letak pic lepas 2 week ok!!!

waktu box sampai kat opis..kotak besar tu..sampai bos pon tanya..ish2 segan sy, abih seopis taw pasal sy beli collagen.

Monday, 18 July 2011

at Stadium Bukit Jalil

Apa aktiviti kali ni? of coz la tentang malaysia vs liverpool kt stadium bukit jalil 16 july, ari sabtu lepas...

actually xde plan pon nak pegi tgk kt stadium..xde beli tiket pon, tp last minit member kasi of coz laa i pegi kan...

disebabkan i ade class+exam so i cuma dapat tgk 2nd half puas ati laa coz 1st half tu cuma 2 gol aje...2nd half deorg tambah lagi 7 gol ..and result dia malaysia 3, liverpool 6...

memang hapening laa kt stadium..walau ramai berbaju merah(liverpool nye fan termasuk i skali) tp kitaorg sokong dedua taw...n for game ni i rasa mmg best..xde gado2 ok. 

tQ kat member i tukang amik gambo...:p

tQ kt encik2 ni

sy panggil kain tu selendang jek laa sy xtaw nama dia...

penat dah abg2 ni..still pusing2 padang n lambai kat fan....luv olz

Harry Potter part2 3D & GCB..~

Aktiviti Hujung Minggu..~~

Sabtu lepas saya & my bro jad watching Harry potter part2 3D at Viva Mall. (dengan dengan LRT Miharja).
kat sini ada MBO tapi yang bestnye boleh beli tiket on the spot sebab tak ramai orang + tempat ni baru nuka.

so ceritanya, kitaorang sampai kat Viva Mall pukul11.30. cari2 cinema al-maklumlah first time datang situ. nasib rendah je..jumpa la MBO. pastu terus beli tiket kul12.00pm HP Part2-3D. Ok I belanja..=)

overall ok la HP ni tapi (my bro said kalau nak best baca novel la..) hall MBO tak best sangat..

pastu kitaorang g Majid Jamek coz nak makan kat Mcd GCB..~

& then shopping at masjid india..


-my bro promise pas raya nak belanja gi pangkor..^_^
tulis kat sini supaya tak lupa..haha..

p/s malamnya ada Liverpool vs Malaysia (result 6-3)
-my acu gi tengok kat bukit jalil..

Friday, 15 July 2011

Demo Perdana Persatuan Seni Silat Cekak Malysia

Demo Perdana Persatuan Seni Silat Cekak Malaysia
Caw Selangor

 -pada 16 Julai 2011 (Sabtu) di KKB jam:4.30-6.30ptg

ok kat bawah ni video promo Demo Perdana Silat Cekak di MHI..

ahli psscmuiam yang gi demo -pic credit to afiqanuar

p/s saya tak dapat gi demo perdana.. Alhamdulillah semuanya berjalan lancar.. Hidup Cekak..!! =)

2nd trip to Sukabumi resort negeri sembilan, swimming, makan durian..~

semalam gi sukabumi resort tampin lagi.

ada gotong royong, bakar sampah, tanam pokok & angkat n susun batu bata, calar balar tangan..haha..~

lunch..pun best tapi tak de gambar..
still makan guna daun pisang..

petang ada berbala pantun..
tapi tak best sangat sebab masing2 tak berapa pandai berpantun cepat2..
so kejap jer..tak feel..

ok nak post gak pantun yang berjaya dicipta semalam dalam masa setengah minit kot..haha

pagi-pagi pergi kedai
pergi kedai dengan tok  mat
kami memang bijak pandai
penghulu segala hari adalah jumaat. =)

yang best boleh mandi swimming pool lama2..sampai kecut.pastu main bola (tapi guna botol mineral letak air)
pastu makan durian (pn sheile yang beli) 12biji & then mandi lagi sampai kul5..

siap2.. sediakan minum petang, ambik gambar chalet.

kul6 ada meeting..memang terbaik la.. di saat depan mata ada makanan & durian..memang betul-betul menguji kesabaran, mata pun ngantuk..~

gambar kolam je ada..~

kul7.30 bertolak ke shah alam semula. Dalam keta lena saja..=)  8.50 sampai. kul10.15 sampai rumah..seriusly memang penat. tapi sempat lagi makan nasi sikit dengan sambal machang & buat buah machang+ susu manis & makan double cheese burger kul11.40.

p/s-kalau tiap hari makan macam ni memang boleh gemuk la..

nasi arab & lamb.. & meeting website kat USJ..

Salam semua.. 

Lama tak update, acu pun tak update.. Tak de cite sangat just nak share about my life as OJT (on job training) kat training consultant company..malas nak tulis nama company.

Hari isnin hari tu, pagi2 da dapat tau kena ikut gi meeting website kat USJ lepas lunch. tiba2 bos cakap kul1.30 kena standby. Zohor kul1.21.
so, kena la makan cepat2 & solat.

pukul1.30 tepat dah gi.. rupa-rupanya bos ajak lunch nasi arab+lamb+ ayam.. kat d'Arab cafe seksyen7 shah alam.. memang banyak.. dah la baru  pas makan..kena makan lagi.. memang laziz.. =)

pastu kul2.15 baru gerak gi USJ..
meeting pasal 2 website..dengar aje lah.
kul4.30 dah sampai ofis semula.

so, 2 je la ceriatnyer..=)

ni gambar nasi arab:

gambar hiasan..sbb haritu lupa ambik gambar+ duduk depan bos..haha..~

Thursday, 14 July 2011

9 julai 2011..Balik kampung Temerloh.. & Banyak jalan tutup

9 julai 2011..Balik kampung Temerloh.. & Banyak jalan tutup..~

setelah sebulan tak pulang ke kampung Temerloh.. maka kami pun pulang bertiga. Akak, ateh & acu..
disebabkan sabtu ada bersih. banyak roadblock & jalan ditutup.
time kitaorg balik lalu Highway Karak mmg ada roadblock jalan masuk KL. yang dalam bas ekspress siap semua kena keluar dari bas. kat tol gombak & tol bentong.

ok cerita pasal kampung.sampai terus gi umah ateh (wan duk umah 2) & lunch hour.

buah machang kat umah berbuah lebat.. so, macam2 resepi ada. sambal machang makan dengan nasi & serawa machang (machang makan dengan susu marigold + gula=manis) yang ni memang sedaaap dimakan begitu saja macam dessert la... Makan ikan talapia bakar-memang bestt..!

duk kat umah tv rosak.. so online je la & borak2 dengan mak & abiskan masa dengan kucing2 ku yang ada 8 ekor semuanya tu.. gambar-gambar diaekor semua..~

 situn (si tunggal)
si kecil yang manja sbb anak tunggal

situn & abang2nya

5 of them 

moyang tam

p/s not in the picture kenit aka ibu & gemuk aka keit

Saturday, 9 July 2011

Dalam hujan lebat, mode cuti dah mula & esok ada BERSIH..

Kat Shah Alam hujan turun dengan lebatnya.. maka mode untuk bekerja pun dah hilang..~

dan mode cuti & relaxation pun datang..haha..kan hari jumaat, biasa lah..~~

esok pulak ada BERSIH..

tak nak komen.

just want to share:

From Perekacerita Facebook,

Pihak polis sedang mengetatkan sistem keselamatan, mungkin korang akan diperiksa seketika untuk membantu siasatan. Nasihat Jika keluar rumah jangan membawa sebarang benda seperti bendera, logo dan sms yang berkaitan BERSIH, PERKASA dan PATRIOT. Mungkin ada akan ditahan untuk siasatan lanjut.

*p/s-  Boleh je keluar esok, cuma berhati-hati la ye.

cat in relaxation mode..~~
gemuk (my cat name) in lazy mode..~

Friday, 8 July 2011

10 Things You Need to Know About 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2'

ok in this entry I want to talk about HARRY POTTER..~

next week 15/7 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, part2 will be release

& i can't wait to watch it..

so, juz want to share info about it.
enjoy the trailer..~~

actually i copy this post from

10 Things You Need to Know About 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2'

This is a truly bittersweet moment for all 'Harry Potter' fans. While we all get to see the final chapter of the series (finally!), we also have to say goodbye to Harry, Hermione, Ron, and all of our other favorites. No more Malfoy, no more Snape, no more Hagrid -- how we wish there were a spell to counteract our sadness about this!

From what we've seen so far, 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2' looks to be an absolute blockbuster. When you get goosebumps from a trailer (not to mentionthe latest clip), you know good things are coming. Warner Bros. invited Moviefone to the London set of 'Harry Potter,' and we sat down to talk with Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley), director David Yates, Mark Williams (Arthur Weasley), and Mr. Harry Potter himself, Daniel Radcliffe.

Back in May, we filled you in on some tidbits from the set visit, but now we can shareeverything we learned about the last 'Harry Potter' movie. So, of course, fellow Muggles, if you haven't read the books, there are some spoilers ahead. 

1. The Final Battle Scene of 'Deathly Hallows Part 2' Will Be Epic
The trailer gives you a tiny taste of the mind-blowing final battle scene between Harry and Lord Voldemort. We see the pair fall down a chasm together -- but what will happen after they land? Will they land? Daniel Radcliffe insists that the scene is one of his favorites, and for good reason: It's the moment where Harry finally embraces his manhood and leaves that troubled little boy behind.

"For me, this whole series is about loss of innocence, and about Harry going from this wide-eyed child to this slightly grizzled young man by the end," he said. "It's essential that he doesn't entirely turn into a man in the film because that's what makes all that fight stuff at the end so powerful. It's also kind of horrible to watch, because you're seeing a kid get beaten up by a very strong, very angry man."

harry potter and the deathly hallows part 22. Wizard Battles Take Cinema to a Whole New Level
Director David Yates is all about making each battle as intense as possible, for both the fans and characters in the story. The beauty of magic is that it's boundless, so there aren't any cinematographical limits. Oh, and did we mention there are dragons? Yep, dragons.

"The notion that you're in the middle of this wizard fighting is exciting, so it feels very visceral," says Yates. "I did a wizard battle at the end of 'Order of the Phoenix,' and it was the first wizard battle between Dumbledore and Voldemort. What I really loved was the kinetic power of the exchange, because the magic I had seen at that point had always been pretty and clean. There are moments in this battle that are very visceral, frightening and percussive."

3. You'll Be Able to See 'Deathly Hallows, Part 2' in 3D
Unlike 'Part 1,' the second half of the finale will be shown in theaters in 3D. How awesome will it be to witness magic battles, flying creatures and the glory of Hogwarts in 3D detail? Yates insists that he doesn't overuse it, either. "My own idea about 3D is that it's there to enhance the viewing experience, but I don't think that you have to use it in a tricky way," he says. "I think the minute you sacrifice story and character for something coming out of the screen, I think you've lost it, really."

Warner Brothers

4. Just As With 'Deathly Hallows, Part 1,' 'Deathly Hallows, Part 2' Is Fiercely Loyal to the Book
Yates insists on maintaining consistency with the story that the J.K. Rowling books tell: "I'm sure some of the fans will be frustrated, but fortunately we've kept more than we've ever been able to keep than with other adaptations." He credits the accuracy to the fact that they split the final movie into two parts, saying, "Because we can spread the whole story into two movies, we're able to address some loose ends that we can tie up as we go."

There are parts where 'Deathly Hallows, Part 2' diverges, though. "Ultimately, the battle and the magical fighting is a counterpoint, and that is where we differ from the book a little bit," says Yates. "I felt that in the book and the earlier drafts of the scripts (before we worked them out), there was an opportunity to be had counterpointing Harry's desperate race for the Horcrux with the Dark Lord's ever-encroaching ability to kill everyone in the school, so there is this race against time. So we counterpointed these two strands."

harry potter and the deathly hallows, ralph fiennes, harry potter5. There Will Be an Epilogue at the End of the Film
At the end of the 'Deathly Hallows' book, there is an epilogue that looks 19 years into the future: We know Harry and Ginny are married, as are Ron and Hermione, and we know the epic final line: "The scar had not pained Harry for nineteen years. All was well."

Both Rupert Grint and Yates hint heavily that this is going to be included at the end of 'Deathly Hallows Part 2' (which we finally got visual evidence of last year).

6. This Movie Takes a Gigantic Emotional Toll on the Actors -- and the Viewer
The actors and director all expressed some form of emotional exhaustion, whether it was from acting out a particular scene or just due to the knowledge that this was the final movie. In one scene, Grint had to muster all of his strength to get through it. "Especially when Ron loses his brother ," he says. "That was quite a big scene with the whole Weasley family. It was a depressing scene to do because you've got Fred lying on the floor and it's quite shocking. It involves a character we've associated with jokes and mucking about. It's quite horrible. There were a lot of heavy, emotional scenes like that."

Mark Williams, who plays Mr. Weasley, agrees. "Oh God, yeah, that scene was rough. We've actually just finished shooting it. Those scenes are all behind us and they were not very nice. It's not very nice spending days thinking about your children dying."

rupert grint, harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2, ron weasley7. The Violent Scenes Aren't the Only Tough-to-Handle Ones 
It seems that Grint gets a lot of action in 'Part 2,' and we're not just talking about fighting. "It's really taken to another level -- it's quite gory. It's really graphic, actually," he says.

But it's not only the physical action that was taxing on Grint. In 'Part 2,' there comes a time when Ron and Hermione finally share their first kiss. "I kind of built up this thing in my head," he says. "We were both kind of dreading it really, just because we've known each other since we were really small. It's like kissing your sister."

8. Radcliffe, Grint and the Rest of the Cast Will Always Love 'Potter'
Some people insist that because the 'Potter' movies mark the main actors' careers, they must be somehow resentful of the franchise for, in a sense, typecasting them. According to Radcliffe and Grint, nothing could be further from the truth.

"I think it's very important that no matter where I go from here, Harry Potter's one thing ... and every opportunity I will get for the rest of my life, I would not have gotten if it wasn't for Harry Potter," says Radcliffe. "And it would be the height of ingratitude if I was ever anything but proud to be associated with these films."

Grint agrees in his own way: "Yeah, ['Potter'] has become quite a big thing and I'm proud to be a part of it. I'm loving it."

harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2, daniel radcliffe, harry potter9. It Wasn't Like This for Us When We Were Kids
Inevitably, when dealing with child/teen actors, there will be chaos on-set. While there were definitely hijinks, Williams (Mr. Weasley) insists it wasn't that bad.

"Well, they all went through adolescence, which was a bit tricky here and there," he says with a giggle. "They've been great. We've had great fun. When Dan and Rupert were little, after lunch was always useless. Do you remember being at school after lunch in the afternoon when you were either really -- you went kind of tired, and then you went really giggly, and then it was time to go home. You remember? [Director] Chris Columbus would be like, 'C'mon, you guys, action!' There was nothing you could do. It was great fun."

Radcliffe thinks it's extraordinary that the films turned out so well, and the actors emerged through adolescence relatively unscathed. "In terms of the young cast, given what a lot of people might have expected of us at the very beginning, I think we should be prouder of that than even the films themselves: the fact that we've all come through and remained who we are and not become horrible nightmares. I think it says a lot about our parents and about the crew here.

10. The Kids Have Grown Up Together, Will Stay Together
Of course, now that the "kids" of 'Harry Potter' are young adults, they're moving on with their film careers and various ventures outside of the 'Potter' franchise. But that doesn't mean that they won't stay in touch and remain friends for life.

"I'm suddenly thinking, Oh God, I'm only here for another three months!" says Radcliffe. "It'll be very odd and upsetting when it does come to an end, because I've spent so much time here and made some fantastic friends who I hope will stay with me for the rest of my life. I suppose whenever you go through periods of transition ... it's a definite closing of a certain chapter of your life. I suppose those times are always going to be both upsetting and exciting by their very nature, because things are changing and you don't know what's going to happen."

"We get on very, very well," he continues. "We also have the knowledge that no matter what happens in the rest of our lives, no one will have had this particular experience other than the three of us. And I think that is something that will never, never leave us."

harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2, rupert grint, daniel radcliffe, emma watson

p/s acu & mjad lets watch it together..=)